Friday, May 10, 2013

The letterhead for final project
Final Project

Friday, April 19, 2013

Logo change

Article about organic foods

I read the article, and I never knew graphic design had such a power on what people think of the brand, until I read it.  Even though his food wasn't organic he did a couple of changes to his design, and it made him millions.  I think the lesson in the article is that graphic design has a lot a sway on people opinion on a product.  Overall it was interesting what he did was wrong, but he was just trying to make some money, but he could of done it another way. 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Functional and Nonfunctional products

My Functional product is a new form of contacts for the eye. While wearing these contacts one's vision will be healed and good as new.  This happens, because the contacts have something special about them, they carry stem cells.  The stem cells duplicate the cells in your eye that were deteriorated and make new ones to replace them.  Over time your eyes will be good as new, and even better than before.

My Nonfunctional product is a "Pencil Sprinkler". This product lets you right and put out fires. It's really good for taking out fires and writing really long essays.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

"How to ruin a great design"

In the article the person writing about this seemed furious of how people take certain designs, and completely go the other way and make them horrible. After reading the article I realized a couple of things that were true in what he was saying.  That changing something, because it feels old is not always a good thing to do. I also disagree with him, because he is basically saying that they should keep the old designs, and forget about the new ones. The thing is people always change there view on certain things, so therefor change is necessary. Overall it was a very informative article, and I learned from it.

Friday, January 25, 2013

1. I don't have a great knowledge about computers, but I know all the commands.

2. Game Design

3. I hope to use what I learn in this class to improve in my career

4. Masashi Kishimoto, creator of naruto.

5. One day I came home from school expecting nothing much to happen, but then I heard a loud noise outside.  I went to go check out what the noise was; when I got their a giant asteroid hit the ground ,and it was smoke everywhere.  After a week after the crash these strange stories started pop ping up.  People were saying that they got attacked and bitten, and that they felt sick afterwards, immediately people started to panic and started screaming zombieesess!.  Indeed it was a zombie outbreak.
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